Contact + distribution at Hahndorf Hill

Hahndorf Hill Winery (HHW) is owned and operated by Larry Jacobs and Marc Dobson. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any queries regarding our cellar door or our wines.

Our cellar door is open Monday to Saturday. We are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Bookings are available from 10.30am to 4pm.

Hahndorf Hill Winery Pty Ltd
38 Pain Road, Hahndorf
South Australia 5245

Postal address:
PO Box 474, Hahndorf,
South Australia 5245

t - 08 8388 7512
f - 08 8388 7618
m - 0412 556 039 Larry Jacobs
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For all Australian distribution queries, please contact Domaine Wine Shippers (DWS)

Domaine Wine Shippers (DWS)
t - Melbourne head office - 03 9878 7848
f - 03 9878 7812
t - Melbourne/ VIC - State Manager: Daniel Morris - 0419 868 799

t - Sydney office - 02 8338 1024
t - Sydney/ NSW - State Manager: Rohan Beale - 0437 899 926

t - Brisbane/ QLD - State Manager: Brad Nankervis - 0409 001 577
t - Brisbane Office: 03 9878 7848
f - Brisbane Office: 03 9878 7812

t - Adelaide/ SA - Andrew Thomas - 0400 797 523
t - Adelaide/ SA - Amanda Strawbridge - 0409 998 461

t - Perth/ WA - State Manager: Michael Lee - 0438 858 758

t - Hobart/ TAS - Ben Sayers - 0400 988 373

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Singapore - Cellar Deluxe Pte Ltd
t - +65 6556 0696

China - Mount Kingdom Wine (Australia - Ming Li)
t - +61 2 9283 9800
f - +61 2 9283 9813
m - 0413 059 183

Japan - Down Under Inc., 2-13-4 Aoyamadai, Suita-City Osaka
t - +61 2 9283 9800

United Kingdom + EU - ABS Wine Agencies
t - +44 (0)1780 755 810
f - +44 (0)1780 482 721

Philippines - AWC Australia
t - +61 481 337 319
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Hahndorf Hill Winery (Larry Jacobs)
t - 0412 556 039